You Now Live in the Alternative Universe

February 17, 2024

Hello, dear listeners, and welcome to another episode of “Healing Starts with the Heart.” I’m Sharon, your guide on this journey of understanding and healing from grief. Today’s topic is a unique one: feeling like you’re living in an ‘Alternative Universe’ after a loss.

You’re still here on Earth, going about your daily life. You say hi to your neighbors, visit the grocery store, talk to people. But something feels different, doesn’t it? It’s like you’re there, but not really seen. There’s this vast divide between you and the rest of the world.

This feeling is more common in grief than you might think. It’s like you’re in a world parallel to the one everyone else is living in. You’re physically present, but emotionally and mentally, there’s a distance. The world keeps moving, but you might feel stuck or invisible.

The divide you’re feeling – it’s clear and profound, especially now. And it’s during times like these that connecting with others who are grieving becomes so important. Why, you ask? Because they can truly see you. They recognize the devastation at the core of your life. This recognition, this feeling of being seen, it changes something in grief.

Being seen by someone who understands doesn’t fix everything. But it helps. In the early stages of grief, it might be the only thing that feels like it’s helping. Sharing your experience with someone who gets it can bridge that gap you’re feeling, even if it’s just for a moment.

So, if you’re feeling like you’re living in this ‘Alternative Universe,’ remember, you’re not alone. Seek out those who are also on this journey of grief. Their understanding and recognition can be a lifeline. Thank you for tuning in to “Healing Starts with the Heart.” Keep taking small steps towards healing, and remember, it’s okay to lean on others who understand. Until next time, take care of yourselves and each other.


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