Tattered Soul Creative Part 1

September 11, 2023

Jeremy Clarkin is a featured speaker at the Life After Loss Virtual Retreat, where he’ll share his inspiring story of resilience and hope. Don’t miss his powerful message of healing and transformation.



Hey there, and welcome to our podcast! Today, we have an incredible guest with an inspiring story to share. Meet Jeremy Clarkin, a father of three girls, a retired Marine, and a talented self-taught artist. Jeremy has been through some really tough times, and he’s here to tell us about his journey.

At one point, Jeremy faced a moment that many of us can’t imagine. He’ll share his story of trying to end his own life, but thanks to the support of people like you and me, he’s still here today. It’s a powerful reminder of the strength that can be found in community and connection.

Jeremy’s on a mission, and it’s an important one. He’s seen too many of his fellow veterans struggle with what he calls “so-called coping mechanisms.” But he believes there’s a better way, a way of hope and healing. Through his art and coaching, he’s helping veterans paint away their pain and find a positive path forward.

His mission is clear: he wants to show as many veterans as possible that they have the power to turn their trauma into something constructive, something that can make the world a better place. So, join us as we sit down with Jeremy Clarkin and dive into his remarkable journey of resilience, recovery, and the mission that’s changing lives.


I’ve lost way too many brothers to all of these so-called coping mechanisms, and I’m on a mission to show them that there is another way. There is hope.


Hello, I’m Jeremy Clarkin. Girl dad (x3), a Marine (Retired), and a self-taught artist with an unwavering passion for coaching veterans on how to paint their pain away. I discovered my talent after a suicide attempt and being in an inpatient facility.


His Mission

Jeremy mission is to help as many
veterans as possible, realize that they have the ability to use their trauma to
impact the world around them in a constructive way.




Jeremy Clarkin is a featured speaker at the Life After Loss Virtual Retreat, where he’ll share his inspiring story of resilience and hope. Don’t miss his powerful message of healing and transformation.




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