Saying “Yes” to Healing and Living Again

January 28, 2024

Hi everyone, welcome back to “Healing Starts with the Heart.” I’m Sharon, your host, and today I want to talk about something very close to my heart: helping you heal from heartbreak and find peace and joy again.

If you’re feeling alone, overwhelmed, or just lost in your grief, I’m here to support you. I understand the pain of a broken heart deeply because I’ve been there too.

After the death of my nephew Austin, I thought I would never really live again. I was consumed by grief. But then, something changed. I was introduced to a Grief Recovery Specialist, and through their guidance, I learned the tools to move beyond this pain.

This experience was so transformative for me that I knew I had to dedicate my life to helping others find their way through grief. And you know what? You can find your own recovery too.

Say “Yes” to healing your life. Say “Yes” to enjoying an authentic life that honors the memory of those you love. It’s not about forgetting them; it’s about finding a way to remember them with love, not just pain.

I’ve been teaching my grief program for over 17 years now, and I can tell you, there is hope. You can heal. Recovery from this pain is not just a dream; it’s a real possibility.

And remember, healing doesn’t mean forgetting. You will always remember your loved one. But one day, you’ll find that you can talk about them with a smile, remembering the good times, not just the loss.

So, if you’re ready to start your journey to recovery, I’m here to help. Thank you for joining me on “Healing Starts with the Heart.” You’re not alone in this. You can heal, and you can find joy again. Until next time, take care.


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