Midlife Prime Part 1
The Sisters have Pam Tronson on the podcast to share about her experience as a life coach who specializes in working with women who are struggling with the the stage in life Pam calls Midlife Prime. Pam is offering a special on anyone who is interested in...
Losing a Loved One to Alzheimer’s Part 2
Sharon and Giovanna continue their discussion about her experience with her father and Alzheimer's. Part 2 focuses on the actual passing of her father and how she coped with the losing him. Giovanna shares that she tried to approach her grief from a...
Losing a Loved One to Alzheimer’s
Sharon invited guest Giana (Gigi) to share her journey with her father through his struggle and ultimately his death from Alzheimers. Gigi shares that she was lost, confused and devastated after her father passed away and she didn't know where to turn. Gigi is very...
When Grief Turns to Anger
The Sisters discuss what happens when grief turns into anger and how to best manage that emotion as it shows up. Being angry is absolutely acceptable in grief and it's not something that has to be hidden or denied. Erica shares that she was very angry with...
What’s Your Plan?
The sisters discuss the continued challenges the pandemic is bringing into our lives. We as individuals are on information and sensory overload and we're struggling to mange our emotions as a result. Grievers need to be heard and they need to be heard with...
Living in the Shadow of a Loved One
The Sisters discuss how difficult it can be for surviving family members to have to live in the shadow of their deceased loved one. It is not uncommon for families to enshrine their loved ones as a perfect being after their death. The problem with this is...
You Can’t Heal What You Won’t Feel
The Sisters discuss how important it is to acknowledge the feelings you are trying to avoid in order to heal. Erica shares how extremely angry she was after Donovan's passing and that was the only emotion she was allowing herself to feel. She was resisting...
Sex and Grief
Although it seems odd it is very common for grievers to pursue sexual encounters immediately after losing their loved one. Humans crave physical interaction with one another and this is often intensified when an individual is grieving. There is nothing...
Grief in your Marriage
As mentioned on multiple shows in the past everyone is susceptible to having a grieving experience at some point in their life. Sometimes this occurs in the adult years when you are married. Erica shares her personal experience of what worked for her...