Let’s Talk About Grief

January 20, 2024

Hello, everyone! Welcome to “Healing Starts with the Heart.” I’m Sharon, and today we’re going to talk about something that touches all our lives: loss and grief.

Loss is an unavoidable part of life. Whether it’s the loss of a loved one, a pet, or even a long-held dream, we will all experience a broken heart at some point. Grief is normal and natural, but going through the healing process can be one of the toughest times in our lives.

Now, have you ever wondered why people don’t like to talk about grief? It seems like whenever we bring up grief or loss, people get uncomfortable. It’s almost as if grief has become a ‘dirty word’ or the ‘enemy.’

On social media, for example, funny and uplifting posts get lots of likes and comments. But mention grief or loss, and it’s like a ghost town. So, why is it that the word ‘grief’ makes us so uncomfortable?

My guess? We don’t talk about it enough. We associate grief with pain, tears, and death. These are all true, but grief is also a universal experience that connects us all.

Our discomfort with grief might be an unconscious choice, but it’s a choice nonetheless. And seeing grief as the enemy can only hurt us. Holding onto the pain can lead to depression, anxiety, health issues, and even anger and sadness that can affect a big part of our lives.

But here’s the thing: it doesn’t have to be this way. We can choose to view and talk about grief differently. We can start having conversations about grief and loss now, even if we’re not currently experiencing it.

It’s time to change the narrative around grief. Let’s open up, share our experiences, and support each other. Thank you for joining me today on “Healing Starts with the Heart.” Remember, grief is a journey, and you’re not alone. Until next time, let’s keep the conversation going.




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