Grieving and the Holidays

December 11, 2020

Let’s face it: The holidays are going to be a bigger challenge this year, with many of us out of work or coping with isolation and grief. Because everything is upside-down, make sure that you are ready because it is coming ready or not.

In short, we will be making new kinds of memories in many different ways this year. Different doesn’t necessarily have to be a bad thing. After all, it’ll be easier to avoid that family party you usually disliked!

The truth is it does not matter how magical we tell you this holiday can be your grieving heart is telling you something totally different. It probably sounds like this, “Stop, I cannot do this any longer without her.”

Nothing we can write on this paper will make you feel any better, but we put together a list that may spark an idea or two as a way to survive the holiday.

The “New Normal” Holiday Ideas:

• Make sure to plan ahead
• Let go of any expectations
• Fix the foods that you love
• Make up a new tradition
• Stick with the old traditions that you loved
• Turn on a good old movie
• Set a record for binge watching TV
• Remember the “good old days” bring out the photo albums
• Catch up on some well needed rest
• Be good to yourself. Do some self-care
• Go outside – Get grounded. Take your shoes off and walk in the dirt. Feel the earth
• Let others know that you are hurting
• Host a Zoom-giving with friends
• Volunteer
• Cook your favorites foods and share them with someone who is alone
• Stay in Bed ALL Day. Yes, this is a plan
• Write thank you notes to 12 important people
• Start a new book
• Take a Drive
• Do a Scavenger Hunt (more fun for Zoom)
• Decorate Gingerbread House
• Play a game
• Clean out a closet or two
• Get a bag of donations together

We can see your face as you are reading this. Yuck! I don’t want to do any of these. We did not want to even get together on our first Holiday without Austin. And COVID was not even a thing. You do not have to do any of these. Final thought.

Grieving through the holidays is hard.
Grieving in bed all alone is hard
Grieving surround with a few family members is hard.

Which hard do you want?

~Sharon and Erica

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