Celebrate Legacy

September 2, 2022

Don’t you hate it when someone says, “I know how you feel” or you come across experts who haven’t met with you privately but are ready to diagnose or “fix” you and your grief. This ain’t that and that ain’t this.

The Gone Too Soon Virtual Retreat was designed to affirm you wherever you are in your grief journey – so you come to understand that YOU are the true expert when it comes to YOUR grief.
After surveying those that have had such a significant loss, most tend to struggle with things like:
Finding the energy and the time to search what’s available and a good fit to support the unique needs they have
Feeling the feelings, which are often so painful, you’d rather just box them up and pray they never find their way to the surface at the most inconvenient time
Feeling seen (not in the sense of a spotlight, but a sense of validation) – that people hear you and understand the love you still have for them is real and your feelings are complicated.

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