Hospice and The Griever

Hospice and The Griever

hospice noun a home providing care for the sick or terminally ill A hospice is a home that provides care for someone who is sick or terminally ill. Hospice care can prove effective in providing support for the patient and their family at a very tough time in their...
Grief Is Not A Badword

Grief Is Not A Badword

Grief is not a bad word! Loss is an unavoidable part of life. All of us experience a broken heart at some point in our lives. Grief is normal and natural. We must go through the healing process. We, the Grief Specialists, know that there are over 43 known losses that...
How We Got from Dying to Grief- in Five Stages

How We Got from Dying to Grief- in Five Stages

Nothing in my life ever prepared me for dealing with grief and loss. I just told you a non-truth. Everything that I had ever learned about my broken heart had prepared me for dealing with grief. The problem here is that the information I had learned was either...
I Cannot Get Rid of their Stuff

I Cannot Get Rid of their Stuff

I will never move his stuff, ever. You don’t have to. There is no law that says you have to get rid of anything. This is a 100% personal decision that we each have to make for ourselves. Oddly enough, most of our friends and family members will feel that the faster we...
The Grieving Mornings

The Grieving Mornings

When your loss first occurs, you will be numb, and time will seem to run together. We often talk to people who sometimes say, “Today was a good day.” Meaning they were able to make it through without falling on the ground and falling apart. They got out of bed. Maybe...
I Cannot Say His Name

I Cannot Say His Name

I cannot bring myself to say her name. Just the thought of you can cause my heart to jump out of my chest.  I miss you so much. Grief can evoke various distinctive emotions in us, most of which we, as humans, are unfamiliar with.  The trigger can even simply be their...