“Grief Healing is ideal for grievers recovering from loss. Any women who are experiencing physical, emotional, or mental pain after a loss or a broken heart will find comfort working with Sharon.
Are you seeking more intimacy and connection with your emotions? Start here.
After experiencing a major life transition, are you wishing that all this pain would go away but not knowing how to achieve it? This is your starting point. You will feel complete after your transformation.
Healing from this pain will give you purpose and passion for life again.”
Hospice and The Griever
hospice noun a home providing care for the sick or terminally ill A hospice is a home that...
Grief Is Not A Badword
Grief is not a bad word! Loss is an unavoidable part of life. All of us experience a broken heart...
How We Got from Dying to Grief- in Five Stages
Nothing in my life ever prepared me for dealing with grief and loss. I just told you a non-truth....
I Cannot Get Rid of their Stuff
I will never move his stuff, ever. You don’t have to. There is no law that says you have to get...
The Grieving Mornings
When your loss first occurs, you will be numb, and time will seem to run together. We often talk...
I Cannot Say His Name
I cannot bring myself to say her name. Just the thought of you can cause my heart to jump out of...
I Just Want to Talk to Her One More Time
I just want to have one more conversation. I need to tell you a few more things. I never got to...
I Have Never Cried
Why do the tears never come? Crying is not grieving; tears may or may not be a sign of your...
Are Grief and Sorrow the Same Thing?
Every single person on this planet will go through periods of sadness in their life- happiness...