“Grief Healing is ideal for grievers recovering from loss. Any women who are experiencing physical, emotional, or mental pain after a loss or a broken heart will find comfort working with Sharon.
Are you seeking more intimacy and connection with your emotions? Start here.
After experiencing a major life transition, are you wishing that all this pain would go away but not knowing how to achieve it? This is your starting point. You will feel complete after your transformation.
Healing from this pain will give you purpose and passion for life again.”
How to Deal with Triggers
Anything that brings up memories of a loss you endured is a trigger. Triggers are...
4 Things to Remember if You’re Grieving While Parenting
Parenting is hard enough on its own, but adding grief to the equation can make everyday life feel...
Signs You Are Grieving as the Parent of an Atypical or Neurodivergent Child
Parenting a child with autism, Asperger's, ADHD, or another diagnosis can be indescribably hard....
Finding Support in Your Grief: 3 Types of People to Avoid
Not everyone is equipped to listen to and understand your grief or trauma. Learn how to find a...
Dealing with Divorce: 3 Things to Remember
Experiencing a divorce or breakup can hurt more than the death of a loved one. Heal from your...
What You Didn’t Know About Grief and Tears
“I experienced grief and didn’t cry—is something wrong with me?” Learn more about grief recovery...
Catapulted into Grief: What to Do Right After a Loss
Knowing how to navigate the grief at the onset is key to beginning the healing process. Here are 3...
In Honor of My Bestie: 7 Ways to Heal the Loss of a Best Friend
The death of a best friend can feel worse than losing a limb. Here are 7 easy ways to honor your...
Sherlock Can’t Save Me Now: When Grief Gets You Stuck in Detective Mode
Are you stuck in detective mode? If you’re obsessing over the details about a loved one’s death,...