“Grief Healing is ideal for grievers recovering from loss. Any women who are experiencing physical, emotional, or mental pain after a loss or a broken heart will find comfort working with Sharon.
Are you seeking more intimacy and connection with your emotions? Start here.
After experiencing a major life transition, are you wishing that all this pain would go away but not knowing how to achieve it? This is your starting point. You will feel complete after your transformation.
Healing from this pain will give you purpose and passion for life again.”
Is Divorce as Painful as Death?
Learn the similarities between death and divorce and how to unpack your grief—your future depends...
Can Grief Cause Cancer?
Understanding the Connection Between Grief and Cancer While grief itself does not directly cause...
How Grief Affects the Body
Grief is a powerful emotion that can have a huge impact on your body. When you're grieving, you...
The Grief Storm
What is a Grief Storm? Grief—what no one prepares you for—isn’t a set of steps or a straight path...
Understanding the Ripple Effect of Grief: Secondary Losses
Losing a loved one is often seen as one single, overwhelming loss. But grief isn’t just about that...
Bad Things Don’t Just Happen to Good People
Grief and loss are some of the hardest things we can experience in life. And even if we know that...
Understanding Complicated Grief
Grieving the loss of a loved one is never easy, and it's normal to experience...
The Difference Between Being Alone and Being Lonely in Your Grief
Grief often isolates us, creating moments when we feel the world around us has moved on while we...
What Are Grief Support Groups?
Understanding Grief Support Groups Grief support groups are safe and compassionate spaces where...